EODPlotter User Manual

Source Code



EODPlotter is designed as an R package, to be installed using a package manager. EODPlotter is a command line alternative to the TDMSViewer

We will install EODPlotter from github. Open RStudio and run


This will install the devtools package which has the install_github function. Then run


After running this it should install the EODViewer code and its dependencies automatically.

To install a specific version, e.g. the version mentioned in this guide, you can also run


Using EODPlotter as a command line tool

Configure your command line

Add this line to your .bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:`Rscript -e 'cat(paste0(.libPaths(),"/eodplotter/scripts",collapse=":"))'`:~/bin

Process a TDMS file

First use peak_finder to find all EODs and outputs a new file, e.g. file.peaks.csv, which is named based on the input file (if you analyzed fish.tdms, it would output fish.peaks.csv)

peak_finder -f file.tdms -v

Then try using the tdmsplot command, it plots the raw signal as a graph, use to diagnose signal problems and view where EODs were called

tdmsplot -f file.tdms -p file.tdms.peaks.csv 

Finally analyze the signal and the peaks to produce output files

eodplot -f file.tdms -p file.peaks.csv

After running these commands you will have a number of files

Where file is the prefix of your TDMS file that you analyzed e.g. if it was fish123.tdms, then you would have fish123.stats.csv.

The file.stats.csv file contains useful information on duration and amplitude, and also number of EODs measured. Other files can be used for diagnosing issues with the analysis

Process all files in parallel

This script will run the EOD analysis over all tdms files in a directory

parallel "peak_finder -f {}; tdmsplot -f {} -p {/}.peaks.csv; eodplot -f {} -p {/}.peaks.csv" ::: /path/to/files/*.tdms

Combine all stats.csv

A helper script called combine_stats is added so after processing many TDMS files, simply run


This will output a combined stats file

Summarize EOD results from different experiments

If you have different experiments with different timepoints and you want to compare them all then this script is an example of something you could try

This will plot the amplitude from multiple experiments where it assumes some particular file naming conventions e.g.

Generic pattern <number>_MO<experimentname>_minutes_timestamp.tdms


l = str_split(substr(combined$name,0,str_locate(combined$name,'2017')[,1]-2),'_')
combined$trial = as.numeric(sapply(l,function(r) r[1]))
combined$group = tolower(sapply(l,function(r) r[2]))
m = sapply(l, function(r) r[3])
m[m == 'Baseline'] = 0
combined$timepoint = as.numeric(m)
combined$date = ymd_hms(str_replace(substring(combined$name, str_locate(combined$name,'2017')[,1]), '.tdms.stats.csv',''))

png('combined.fixed.png', width=1000,height=800)
ggplot(combined, aes(timepoint, amplitude, color = group)) + geom_line() + ggtitle('MO EOD amplitude') + scale_x_continuous(name="Timepoint") + scale_y_continuous(name="Peak-to-peak amplitude") +scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set2")
pdf('combined.fixed.pdf', width=11,height=8)
ggplot(combined, aes(timepoint, amplitude, color = group)) + geom_line() + ggtitle('MO EOD amplitude') + scale_x_continuous(name="Timepoint") + scale_y_continuous(name="Peak-to-peak amplitude") +scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set2")

ret = do.call(rbind, lapply(unique(combined$group), function(group) {
    r = combined[combined$group == group, ]
    r$relative_amplitude = r$amplitude / r[r$timepoint == 0, ]$amplitude

png('baseline.fixed.png', width=1000,height=800)
ggplot(ret, aes(timepoint, relative_amplitude, color = group)) + geom_line() + ggtitle('MO EOD amplitude (relative to baseline)') + scale_x_continuous(name="Timepoint") + scale_y_continuous(name="Relative amplitude") +scale_colour_brewer(palette="Set2")
pdf('baseline.fixed.pdf', width=11,height=8)
ggplot(ret, aes(timepoint, relative_amplitude, color = group)) + geom_line() + ggtitle('MO EOD amplitude (relative to baseline)') + scale_x_continuous(name="Timepoint") + scale_y_continuous(name="Relative am

Example output

Using EODPlotter as an R library

Load the library


Plot the raw signal of the data using plotTdms


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Find peaks

p = peakFinder('../tests/testthat/file.tdms')
##     peaks direction
## 1 0.08696         +
## 2 0.10198         +
## 3 0.48870         +
## 4 0.87200         +
## 5 1.04231         +
## 6 1.16931         +

Look at where the peaks were called

plotTdms('../tests/testthat/file.tdms', peaks = p)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Get a matrix of EOD signal

m = getEODMatrix('../tests/testthat/file.tdms', p, prebaseline=T)
##         col     time          data
## 1.1 0.08696 -0.00250 -0.0004999497
## 1.2 0.08696 -0.00249 -0.0011577781
## 1.3 0.08696 -0.00248  0.0011446216
## 1.4 0.08696 -0.00247 -0.0008288639
## 1.5 0.08696 -0.00246 -0.0004999497
## 1.6 0.08696 -0.00245  0.0011446216

Plot the matrix of EOD signals


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

Plot all the signals


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Plot the matrix of EOD signals

landmarks = findLandmarks(m)
##   landmark     time           val          mean          sd
## 1       p0 -0.00068 -7.901732e-04 -7.901732e-04 0.002609323
## 2       p1 -0.00001  3.843618e-01  3.843618e-01 0.175648282
## 3       p2  0.00028 -3.973405e-02 -3.973405e-02 0.021704611
## 4       t1 -0.00025  7.439175e-03  7.439175e-03 0.004501125
## 5       t2  0.00224 -8.381168e-03 -8.381168e-03 0.004497543
## 6       s1 -0.00006  2.601188e-01  2.601188e-01 0.124108301
## 7       s2  0.00005  2.235964e-01  2.235964e-01 0.111163798
## 8      zc1 -0.00039 -1.116577e-05 -1.116577e-05 0.002603257
## 9      zc2  0.00013 -8.529264e-04 -8.529264e-04 0.025507748

Plot the landmarks

plotLandmarks(m, landmarks)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Get stats about the landmarks

getStats(p, landmarks)
##   amplitude duration total_eods
## 1 0.4240959  0.00249        152

Command line reference


Usage: /Users/cdiesh/src/github.com/msuefishlab/eodplotter/inst/scripts/tdmsplot [options]

    -h, --help
        Show this help message and exit

    -f FILE, --file=FILE
        TDMS file input

    -v VERBOSE, --verbose=VERBOSE
        Print verbose output

    -c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL
        Channel name

    -s START, --start=START
        Start time

    -e END, --end=END
        End time

Outputs a file.signal.png file representing the raw signal values of the EODs


Usage: /Users/cdiesh/src/github.com/msuefishlab/eodplotter/inst/scripts/peak_finder [options]

    -h, --help
        Show this help message and exit

    -f FILE, --file=FILE
        TDMS file input

    -v, --verbose
        Print verbose output

    -c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL
        Channel name

    -n NUMBER, --number=NUMBER
        Peak finder threshold, sigma or voltage threshold

    -d DIRECTION, --direction=DIRECTION
        Direction, enter either positive/negative/none

    -s START, --start=START
        Start time

    -e END, --end=END
        End time

    -r REMOVE, --remove=REMOVE
        Amount to remove from start/end of recording

Outputs a file.peaks.png file representing the timepoints where EODs were detected in the TDMS file


Usage: /Users/cdiesh/src/github.com/msuefishlab/eodplotter/inst/scripts/eodplot [options]

    -h, --help
        Show this help message and exit

    -f FILE, --file=FILE
        TDMS file input

    -p PEAK, --peak=PEAK
        Peak file input

    -v, --verbose
        Print verbose output

    -c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL
        Channel name

    -w WINDOW, --window=WINDOW
        Window size around peak value

    -b, --prebaseline
        Pre-normalization baseline subtract

    -d, --postbaseline
        Post-normalization baseline subtract

    -n, --normalize
        Normalize waveform between 0-1 peak to peak height

    -a ALPHA, --alpha=ALPHA
        Alpha channel for individual peaks

Outputs a bunch of files completing the analysis


Usage: /Users/cdiesh/src/github.com/msuefishlab/eodplotter/inst/scripts/multieodplot [options]

    -h, --help
        Show this help message and exit

    -f FILE, --file=FILE
        TDMS/Peak file table

    -c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL
        Channel name

    -w WINDOW, --window=WINDOW
        Window size around peak value

    -v, --verbose
        Print verbose output

    -b, --prebaseline
        Pre-normalization baseline subtract

    -d, --postbaseline
        Post-normalization baseline subtract

    -n, --normalize
        Normalize waveform between 0-1 peak to peak height

    -a ALPHA, --alpha=ALPHA
        Transparency factor aka alpha channel for plotting EODs

    -p, --pdf
        Use PDF output

    -A, --all
        Plot all traces


This demo shows you how to use the eodplotter as an R library. Note that there is the alternative usage of the library using the command line as well, which can be more streamlined